Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend Recap...............
Well I decided to take the day off on Friday. With the way our company is heading, any vacation time I have, I am going to take it. Kennady wanted to stay with me so she spent the night Thursday. My friend, Kristi, called and we decided to go pick blueberries at Pre-Lock Blueberry Farm. We got an early start but it was still VERY HOT!! Each of us got a bucket with a bag in it to start picking. They assigned us a row and away we went! The kids did good in the beginning and as time went on, they got tired and were really hot. Pictured below is from L-->R:
Kristi, Nina, Sophie, Aaron and Kennady.
The longer we went along our row, the hotter it was and the kids decided they would go see the horses that were by where we came in. They got to feed them and pet them and here are some pics of that.................Nina, Sophie, Mia...............
Nina, Sophie, Kennady and MiaNina, Sophie, Aaron, Mia and Kennady
After the blueberry farm, we went to Arnis and ate lunch and then hit the pool. Below are pics of the kids at the pool.......................................
It was so hot out and I got a lot of sun. The kids were worn out and they enjoyed their day picking blueberries and swimming.
Friday night, Eric and I went out to dinner with some friends, Rich and Cinnamon. We love going to Asahi and so that is where we went. "Monkey Boy" cooked our food and he was on a roll that night! He even let Eric balance an egg on a spatula! It was so much fun and the food was great!!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
So my brother, Jason, has not really been happy with his job. His current job is not his ideal job and he has to work every Saturday, with only one day off a week--Sunday. His employer was not that family friendly and that was just not the right job for him. For those of us who know Jason, he is a die-hard BOILERMAKER fan and with the football season coming up, working Saturdays is not in his plans. So, he received a job offer from a different company and it was a perfect match for him. It a job that is more what he is interested in and the bonus----no working on SATURDAYS and they are a family oriented company!! Jason found out for sure today that he has been hired and can't wait to start. So Jen wanted to surprise Jason and she sent all of us an email to see if we could meet for dinner tonight to celebrate his new job! We all met at Logans Roadhouse and Jason was quite surprised!!!! Jason at dinner tonight.......................SMILE dude, you just got a new job!!!
Kennady and Madison.................
Madison and Riley are going to Boiler Kid Camp at Purdue this week. It's a day camp and they get to do all sorts of things from swimming to archery to volleyball. The keep the kids busy all week and poor Riley really looked tired tonight. I bet they sleep well this week! ha! Its good for them to meet new kids and experience new things.........................awwww, to be a kid again!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mom!
This is my brother's friend, Lavelle and his girlfriend, Amanda. Jason and Lavelle used to work together and they are still good friends. Mom just adores Lavelle and so Jason invited them to the party. They have a 1 1/2 year old boy named Tyson, who is just ADORABLE!!!!!