Mothers Day 2008:
We had a great Mother's Day celebration at the Trails. The food was delicious and we all could be together to share in Moms special day.....
Emme and Kennady on our way to the Trails for Mothers day.
Megan, Kennady and I at the Trails..................
Eric and I at the Trails.................
Megan and her girls.............5/11/08
Sophie had her dance recital on May 18th at Elliott Hall of Music. Her class did the bunny hop dance and it was so cute!! Here is Sophie after the recital............
After the recital, we were off to Jason's for Rileys 7th birthday party. Below are some pics from Rileys special day. I can't believe she is 7 already!!!...........................
Madison and Logan........
Emme eating her pizza........................
Me and Megan..TWINS! ha! ...........................
The Birthday Girl............................... She got a DS game system and this is the game we got her, I think she liked it!! ha!..................
One more year older.....................
Jen and Logan...................
Best Buds............Riley and Kennady....................
Last week I watched my bosses kids for her. We had Sophie and Maddix over too and we had pizza and then took them to the park. The kids had a great time and the weather was great!
Abby and Sophie, they loved each other................can you tell! ha!!!
Abby going down the slide....................
Maddix looking so proud! You can't see but he has on rain boots! So cute!!!
Saturday night we had a slumber party with Madison, Riley and Kennady. We had a photo shoot on Sunday and the girls had fun getting their picture taken. We also took them to Cinnamon's graduation party. She received her masters from Purdue University! Way to go Cinnamon!!!!
Riley posing big for the camera..................
Riley,Madison and Kennady.................they are growing up so big!!!
Riley and Kennady.........................
In other news, Eric and I have been going to foster parenting classes. We had 3 Saturday classes in a row that was an all day class. We decided to do the classes in Frankfort as that was the next session and we were anxious to get started on the classes. We still have our CPR/First Aid class to do on June 7th. We are turning in our paperwork tomorrow to the DCS and will wait til we finish up the CPR/First Aid class. We are so excited and are hoping to get a baby. They told us in our class that if we are wanting a baby we have to have a nursery ready. We are in the process of getting everything we need for a nursery. Its fun, scary, exciting and nerve racking all at the same time! Please keep us in your prayers as we get through all of this paperwork, house inspection and all.
We have had a few softball games so far this season as well as Jensen with his baseball. A lot of the games have gotten rained out so hopefully they can play soon. Madison, Riley and Kennady are all playing softball this year. It keeps us hoppin, that is for sure but we wouldnt change it for the world.
Eric and I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversay on May 14th. I can't believe we have been married that long. It seems like just yesterday I was wearing this.........
Okay guys, I hope I put enough info on here to keep you busy reading for a while now! I will try to post more often but you know how that goes......................................
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