Friday, May 30, 2008

Twice in one day.............WOW!!!


I had a baby shower to go to for my cousin's wife so Eric had Camryn and Carrie over for dinner. They grilled out hamburgers and made homemade french fries. Camryn below is pushing the baby stroller around.................

Emme and Kennady before going to the baby shower......................

Pictures at the baby shower.................

Joyce, Emme and Mom Kennady, Grandma Mary Lara and Emme
and Emme

Megan and Lara Helping Bekah open aw........look how cute!
the presents.......

Look at the cute things....................Aunt Es made the quilt...............Emme is helping fold it..........

Lara and Aunt Es Me, Bekah and Megan

So when we got home, Mom got out her crocheting and the girls wanted to give it a try. Here is what we saw............................

Good night!!!!

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