Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's almost Friday!!!

Tonight was a very busy night. After work, Eric and I met my Mom and Barb at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. We love their food and it was a quick meal for us.

My niece, Madison, had a choir performance at her school and so after dinner, we went to hear her sing. I didnt get to come home after work so unfortunately I didn't bring my camera to get any pictures. It was a really nice performance. There are a lot of kids in choir and it was fun to watch all of the kids sing.

And last but not least, tonight is Survivor night. We went to Chuck and Amys to watch it. Poor Mikey got voted off. I personally think Chet should have been voted off for his lack of helping out.

Oh yeah, I went back to work today too! I was really glad to see everyone. I feel like the new kid on the block but I am sure I will get the hang of things again very quickly! ha! Well, its off to bed for me! Hopefully I will get to post again very soon. Now start leaving some comments people! ha!

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