Well, I guess I have to be smarter than the cake! ha! Sunday was my Mom's birthday. We decided since Megan is back in our lives and our family is complete once again that we would do a family picture for mom. So, we all headed to Target to get our picutres taken. I have to say, they did turn out rather well. We get the pics back in a few weeks so I will post them once we get them. Eric and I got some by ourselves as well and they are pretty good if I do say so myself! I dont think of myself as being photogenic but I do like the way they turned out. So, as I said above, you have to be smarter than the cake! I downloaded the pics from the bday party and it downloaded the cake sideways. So, I rotated it and it STILL is showing up sideways!! So, I give up!!! This is Moms cake from Dairy Queen. She had requested an oreo ice cream cake so thats what we got the bday girl!!!! It was delicious!!! BTY, it says "Happy Birthday Turbo". For those of you who don't know my mom, she has a PT Cruiser and its a Turbo so that is her nickname since she likes to cruise around town in her Turbo! ha!~
The birthday girl holding her cake..........
Birthday girl with the two oldest grandkids. I think they are the only ones who would sit on her lap long enough for a picture! The other two had their share of pics for the day! ha!
Nice PJ's Mom.................

This is my brother's friend, Lavelle and his girlfriend, Amanda. Jason and Lavelle used to work together and they are still good friends. Mom just adores Lavelle and so Jason invited them to the party. They have a 1 1/2 year old boy named Tyson, who is just ADORABLE!!!!!
Kennady hanging out with Tyson......................
Tyson looking very frazzled,scared, numb!
Riley in the big ol' comfy recliner, just chillin out. Isnt she so cute!
This is my brother's friend, Lavelle and his girlfriend, Amanda. Jason and Lavelle used to work together and they are still good friends. Mom just adores Lavelle and so Jason invited them to the party. They have a 1 1/2 year old boy named Tyson, who is just ADORABLE!!!!!
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