Friday night, Megan went to Chicago to visit her soriority sisters. She has not seen them in years and it was a good time by all. One of the gals, Mischy, gave them all a surprise...............It was a tampon wrapped up! She said she won't be needing them anymore...............she's pregnant! I think they all were excited for that. Below is a picture of Megan and her friends...................
So, since Megan was in Chicago, I offered to keep Kennady. She was suppose to have a softball game but it got rained out. I was kind of glad! ha!!
Kennady wanted to make her dad a father's day gift so we headed over to Hobbly Lobby with Mom and Barb to get some supplies. She made him a little box that was modge podge and attached to it was a note that read : I took an ordinary box As empty as can be I filled it with a special gift And wrapped it carefully.But please don't ever open it Just leave the ribbon tied And hold it tightly near your heart Because my love for you's inside! It turned out really cute and I think her dad enjoyed it too! Then we made him the card below......
She enjoys doing crafts so much. That girl is taking after her "bubba!" ha!!
After we left Hobby Lobby, we all went to Dog N Suds to grab a bite to eat. They have really good food.
We got up and got Kennady to her softball game. Kennadys team won and it was a great game. Madison had a make-up game as well and gosh darn their team, they came up short. It was a very good game and they came back from a big deficit and tried their hardest. So, even though they didn't win, they deserved to. We were all hot and wanted some pool time so Megan, Kennady and I went over to the pool to catch some sun before we went to see............................
TAYLOR SWIFT/RASCAL FLATTS!!! It was a great concert and I think Kennady enjoyed it too! It was her first "real" concert.
Getting ready for the conert......................
sign along the side of the road while we WAITED in line...................
We got up and met Mom, Megan, Kennady, Jason, Jen, Madison and Riley at Cracker Barrel for breakfast. It was some good food as usual. We then headed to..................... DEEP RIVER WATERPARK in Merrillville, IN. It was sooooooooooo much fun! Check out their website at It rained on us on the way up there but by the time we got there, it had stopped, the sun was shining and we had a great time! Now these pictures were taken as we were leaving so it doesnt look sunny. I didnt have my camera when we were going down the slides and all. If you get a chance to go, do it. For the money and the drive, its well worth it. We took a picnic lunch and that was fun too. There is a slide there called The Dragon. Everyone went on it but me, I was scared. Later on in the day, the kids said I had to go on it before we left!!! I couldnt let the kids down so I went!!! I climed about a zillion stairs and went down it.
Here is a pic of the dragon...............
Here is a pic of the dragon...............

They have a wave pool and that was a big hit as well. I think its about every 10 mins or so, they turn the waves on and you can "ride" the waves. It was a lot of fun!
Below are some pics. The first one is Madison and Riley in the bathroom as we were getting ready to head out
Hey Melissa....I'm reading your blog!!
Looks like fun!
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