Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Wedding Bells............

I just wanted to let everyone know that my brother who has been dating Jenn, are getting married this August!! I believe it's August 11th. They make such a cute couple and we are so excited for them. I think I have a pic of Jenn from Christmas for those of you who have not met her yet. Its really weird b/c I knew Jenn from a long time ago when she worked at Salin Bank with my friend, Heather. She moved around a little bit and then she came back to good ol' Lafayette and then she and Jason met. I think they have pretty much been inseparable every since the day they met! Best wishes guys!!
Jen and Madi Jason

Saturday, January 27, 2007

My Surgery

I got a call from Dr. Henry's office yesterday and they have tenatatively set up my surgery for 2/28/07. It will be an outpatient laparoscopy for them to go in and check out my tubes and possibley remove the right one if its bad enough. I will be home the same day and then off work a few days to recover. They said it will be like when I had my gallbladder out so that will not be too bad. I am not nervous now but I am sure I will be then as I don't like being put out. They said they surgery will last about an hour and a half. Please keep your fingers crossed that everything goes well and then we will be on our way to having a baby!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007


We had my nieces, Madison and Riley for a sleepover last night. They love coming over and doing crafts. Riley had a wooden purse to decorate that Grams had gotten for her and then we made Valentines for their Mom. I will attach a fee photos of their final product. We had a nice dinner and then by 9P.M., Riley was down for the count! Madison and I stayed up a bit longer and played Uncle Eric's X-Box. It was a fun evening. The girls had to be home early because Riley was doing a cheerleading camp today. Not too much going on today, just waiting for the snow to come! hehe! I need to work on my scrapbooking too!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Dr. Henry, Reproductive md

Well, I went to the md today and he thinks we need to do laparoscopy surgery to check out my tubes. My right side is blocked and also has water in it. Dr. Henry says if the tube was blocked at the top, it would be easy to fix but its blocked at the bottom so that is a different story. He wants to go in and see if he can cut the tube or if its too bad, he will just remove it. My left tube is suppose to be working alright but he wants to look at it when he's in there as well. So, hopefully he can get in there, and either unblock or cut the right tube and the left one will be good. If that is the case, I will have to start these fertility shots for 10-days and then hopefully everything will be alright and we will get pregnant! Please pray for us as we want to have a baby so bad!! Oh, he said worse case scenario would mean both tubes were bad and then he would have to remove them and then we would have to do in-vitro. Hopefully we won't have to go that route so keep your fingers crossed for us!! I am also going to see my new OB doctor, Dr. Sunkel, next week for my 3-month follow up on my cancer. I have to have a pap every 3 months for the first year and so far they have come back good. Please pray that everything turns out good this time as well and that I will like my new md!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A little bit about us:

Hi everyone! Welcome to our blog! I thought I would start this blog for everyone to hear about our lives. As most of you know, Eric and I were married 5/14/05. We live in Lafayette in the cutest little house. Last February, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. It was the worst of the two types. Eric and I were devestated! When I went to see the oncologist in Indy, he told me straight up that I would have to have a radical hysterectomy! We were so upset because as most of you know, we do not have any children and having this procedure meant we would not have the opportunity either! I went to surgery on 3/6/06 and to my surprise, the doctor was able to just take out my cervix!!! Eric got to tell me that when I got back to my room at St. Vincents Hospital! What a surprise!!! My recovery was rough in the beginning, that is for sure. Eric was so great! He took time off work to help me out and to get me on my feet again. I don't know what I would of done without him, that is for sure! Luckily, I did not have to do any chemo or radiation so that was great news!! We were so blessed in every way! We have been trying to conceive but have had no luck. My OB doctor, Dr. Miller, left his practice to go to CA to do more schooling. I was so sad as he is the md that found my cancer. He referred me to a reproductive doctor in Indy who comes to the Women's clinic as well. We did 3 rounds of fertility meds and also artificial insemination. No luck, still not pregnant! We are both keeping our heads up and all though. I have an appt. with Dr. Henry(the reproductive specialist) tomorrow to see what he wants to do. Please pray that we get some good news tomorrow!! I would love to hear from people who might have been in my situation or people that just want to say hi!! I will keep you all posted!!